This video was just something I randomly decided to start on about 2 weeks ago after talking to SlothMMD. Really proud with how it turned out, I think it\'s my best work yet. It is still a bit early when I\'m posting it, but it might already be the 31st for some people. Special thanks to Sloth with the help he\'s given me with Raycast though recently, really has helped the quality a lot.I do hope you guys enjoyed, I\'ve not used Summer yet in a video, and I was really wanting to use her, and you can never go wrong with Wolf Faunus Ruby. Mine in particular with how thick the models are. I\'m not sure if I will, but I might end up doing more stuff like this one in the future, perhaps more of moms with their daughters on birthdays again. Mixing up which are futas or not, idk only the future will tell.