罪袋風俗店の3つ目になります(∩´∀`)∩\n今回は各校の真面目系娘?達のダンスショーになります。(キャラ的に真面目かという意見もあると思いますが一応それっぽい感じのキャラにしました(;^ω^))\n真面目であるが故に敗北後も諦めずに反抗の機会を伺っていた者たちを屈服するために操りリングにより首から下の自由を奪い、ほぼ裸の水着姿で衆人環視の元ダンスショーを開催することに。\nしかも、ただのダンスではなく、VIP達の為に用意したどこでもオナホールに接続した状態でのダンスであった。\nVIP達は会場にいる以外にもオンラインでつながっているものも含め数百人おり、それら全員からどこでもオナホにより犯されながら踊る娘達をお楽しみくださいΣd( ´∀` )\n当然、オナホで満足できなくなれば直接楽しむことも可能です( ´艸`)\nって感じの流れとなっております。\n因みに次の予定である堕ち娘達も予告風に今回の動画に参加させました(;^ω^)\nそのためかキャラを出し過ぎてMMDが凄く重くなってしまった(-ω-;)______________________________________________This will be the third sin bag sex store!(∩´∀`)∩\nThis time, the serious girls from each school? (I know there are people who think that they are serious in terms of their characters. (I know there are some who think that the character is serious, but I made the character look like that (;^ω^))\nThe dance show will be held in front of the public in a swimsuit, almost naked, with a manipulation ring that deprives them of freedom from the neck down in order to subjugate those who have been waiting for an opportunity to rebel.\nAnd it was not just a dance, but a dance connected to a masturbatorium that was prepared for the VIPs.\nThere were hundreds of VIPs, including those who were connected online, and they were all dancing while being fucked by the masturbator anywhere.Σd( ´∀` )\nOf course, if you are not satisfied with the masturbators, you can also enjoy them directly.\nThat\'s how it\'s going to be.\nIn case you are wondering, I made the girls who are going to be next to join this movie like a warning (;^ω^).\nI guess that\'s why the MMD became so heavy with too many characters.(-ω-;Translated with DeepL.com (free version)