please support me on subscribe star or pixiv fanbox if you like my content. you very much to my sponsors suscribe star and pixiv fanbox, thanks to them I can keep making more videos for you.minutesdance07:50 - 11:31background conversation01:12 - 06:45only 3 things:I would have liked to put other clothes on them, but I am not moving forward anymore.\nThe conversation of the villain with Issei was going to be longer, but the time won me.\nKirito\'s story is kind of rushed because it was meant to be told in 2 more videos.there will be no video next month, so see you in January.Etapas: ???Models and bases by kiruneruModel Issei by AzureArnicemodels Azur lane by ???Motion by Sewelina BloodroyalSex Motions by me, mrorzo, aderman440, JanglesthePerv, 6i