
罪袋風俗店 敗北者機械責め展示会場

  • 投稿日:2024/12/7
  • 4992 再生
  • 194 いいね


罪袋風俗店ラストの動画になります…っと言いながら風俗店に入る際の待合室的な場所になります。(;^ω^)\n罪袋忍軍に敗北した女忍達(´;ω;)ウゥゥ\n彼女たちは慰み者としてそれぞれの風俗店に配属され様々な形で犯されていく。( ノД)シクシク…\nそんな風俗店に通う客たちはいつも千客万来状態で、長期の待ち時間も粗であった。\nしかし、待ち時間中の客を退屈させないため女忍達のかつての姿や衣装を展示した展示場を開放していた。\nその展示場でお気に入りの忍を見つけたり、犯されている姿のギャップを楽しんでいたりしていた。\nそんな中一部展示場所にはいつも閉館までずっと人が集まっていた。\nこの展示場所には女忍達の中でもトップクラスの忍2人が機械に囚われ犯されていた。\n彼女たちは実力も精神力も高かったため、風俗店のキャストにするのは危険と判断し、機械で犯し続ける判断され、その姿を展示することで客を喜ばしていた。\n因みに彼女達は尻に搾乳薬と媚薬を常に注入されながら24時間365日機械で犯されており、大道寺の方は既に快楽に堕ちかけており、凛の方は救助(霧夜先生)が来ることを心の支えにギリギリ耐えているっていう状態です。\n以前この2人の動画をFantiaで上げた際2人の機械姦という話があったのでこういう流れにしました。\n本当は年長者組としてここにジャスミンを加えたかったんですが、ジャスミンのモデルどこ探してもないんですよねぇ(-ω-;)______________________________________________This is the last video of the Sinbukuro brothel... and that\'s what I\'m saying as I enter the waiting room when entering the brothel. (;^ω^)\nThe female ninjas were defeated by the Sinbukuro ninja army (´;ω;) Uuuu \nThey are assigned to each brothel as playthings and are violated in various ways. ( ノД) Sob sob...\nThe customers who visit such brothels are always in abundance, and the long wait times are rough.\nHowever, to keep the customers from getting bored while waiting, an exhibition area was opened where the female ninjas\' past appearances and costumes were displayed.\nThey found their favorite ninjas in the exhibition area, and enjoyed the contrast in their appearances being violated.\nAmong them, one exhibition area was always crowded with people until closing time.\nIn this exhibition area, two of the top female ninjas were captured by a machine and violated.\nBecause they were highly skilled and mentally strong, it was judged dangerous to have them as cast members of the brothel, so it was decided that they would continue to be violated by the machine, and their appearances were displayed to the delight of the customers.\nIncidentally, they are constantly having milking drugs and aphrodisiacs injected into their ass and are being violated by machines 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and Daidoji is already on the verge of succumbing to pleasure, while Rin is barely holding on, mentally surviving the hope that a rescuer (Kiriya-sensei) will arrive.\nWhen I previously uploaded a video of these two on Fantia, there was talk of the two of them being violated by a machine, so I decided to go with this flow.\nTo be honest, I wanted to add Jasmine to this group as the older member, but I can\'t find a model for Jasmine anywhere (-ω-;)