リクエストを受けて久しぶりに時間停止もののダンスを作ってみました(;´・ω・)\n動画イメージではミス月閃に選ばれた雪泉(∩´∀`)∩\n優勝者のお披露目としてダンスショーを開くことになったが、日本舞踊は出来るもののダンスは出来ないと断る雪泉\nそんな雪泉のためにダンスをサポートするためにプログラムしたダンスを自動で踊らせてくれるリングを装着させられ\n強制的にダンスショーを披露することに。(ダンスは自動なので笑顔だけするよう言われる)\nしかし、ダンス中何故か服がボロボロにさせる等不思議なことがおこり、ダンスを止めようとする雪泉だったが、リングの効果により\nダンスを止めることが出来ない雪泉Σ(´∀`;)\nボロボロの服でなおもダンスする雪泉だったが、途中からナニかが挿入された快感が襲い掛かかる。\n何故か体を襲う快感に限界の雪泉だったが、リングにより踊ることを止めることが出来ず、リングのバッテリーが切れるまで永遠と踊らされ、その合間にも謎の快感によりもはやボロボロになり倒れこむ雪泉。( ノД`)シクシク…\nようやく解放されたと思う雪泉だったが、ずっと快楽に襲われる雪泉を見ていた観客は倒れこむ雪泉を見て、これはチャンスと一斉に襲い掛かる。って感じの流れとなっております。\n今回久しぶり 苦手な時間停止ものだったので結構ムラがあるかもです。(;´・ω・)\n後今回のミス月閃もダンスショーも罪袋理事長発案のものになります。\n雪泉さんを衆人環視の中襲うため時間停止ウォッチを利用し徹底的に犯しつくす罪袋理事長達。\nって感じの裏ストーリーですね(;^ω^)\n次はクリスマス時期なのでサンタ雪泉さんもの予定で今年ラスト動画になるかと。(-ω-;)_________________________________________________I made a dance that stopped time after a long time after receiving a request (;´・ω・)\nIn the video image, Yumi was chosen as Miss Gessen (∩´∀`)∩\nA dance show was to be held as the winner\'s debut, but Yumi refused, saying that she could do Japanese dance but not danceShe was forced to wear a ring that automatically danced a programmed dance to support her danceand was forced to perform a dance show. (Since the dance is automatic, she was told to just smile)\nHowever, strange things happened while dancing, such as her clothes getting torn up, and Yumi tried to stop dancing, but due to the effect of the ringshe was unable to stop dancing Σ(´∀`;)\nYumi continued to dance in her torn clothes, but halfway through, she was hit by a pleasure as if something had been inserted into her.\nFor some reason, Yumi was at her limit with the pleasure that was attacking her body, but the ring prevented her from stopping dancing, and she was made to dance forever until the battery of the ring ran out, and in between, she was already worn out by the mysterious pleasure and collapsed. (ノД`) Sob sob...\nYumi thought she was finally free, but the audience, who had been watching Yume being overcome by pleasure, saw her collapse and decided that this was their chance to attack her all at once. That\'s the flow of the video.\nIt\'s been a while since I last watched this video, and it was a time-stopping video, which I\'m not very good at, so it might be a bit uneven. (;´・ω・)\nAlso, both this video\'s Miss Gessen and the dance show were the brainchild of Chairman Tsumibukuro.\nChairman Tsumibukuro and his friends use a time-stopping watch to assault Yumi in full view of everyone, and thoroughly violate her.\nThat\'s the backstory (;^ω^)\nThe next video will be around Christmas time, so I think it will be the last video of the year with Santa Yumi. (-ω-;)