也是很久没更新了,不是不做了,而是在忙于学业,加上宿舍的问题没办法产出,对粉丝说声抱歉,差分应该是会做鸣潮2.0新角色的,应该元旦期间能做出来。原计划是想的说做小鹅 大鹅,差分做黑塔 大黑塔的,因为之前有个粉丝私信我了一套小黑塔的卡,我觉得不能辜负一片心意,所以这个肯定是在我的排期当中的,但由于没看到有人做小鹅所以稍微没办法。恩,要说的就是这么多。如果有什么意见建议都欢迎指出,后面应该会稍微统一一下一些渲染选择方面的问题了,拜拜~,求个赞!谢谢!It\'s been a long time since I\'ve updated. It\'s not that I didn\'t do it. But I\'m busy with my studies. Plus, the problem of the dormitory can\'t be resolved. I apologise to the fans. The difference should be able to create the new character of Mingchao 2.0. It should be possible to be made during New Year\'s Day. The original plan was to say that I would be a little goose big goose, and I would do a black tower big black tower differently, because a fan had privately messaged me a set of cards for the little black tower, and I felt that I couldn\'t let down a piece of my heart, so this must be in my schedule. However, because I didn\'t see anyone making a little goose, I couldn\'t help it. Well, that\'s all I have to say. If you have any comments and suggestions, you are welcome to point them out. There should be a little unification of some rendering selection issues later. Bye~ Please give a like! Thank you!