Merry Christmas everyone I uploaded this at 4 an originally today but it didn\'t upload so Im uploading it again I hope you enjoy this hmv it\'s significantly longer than my usual hmvs to celebrate the holidays seasonCredit for the clips used goes toAidentetNyxxzeissLazyprocrastinatorStonedudesfmBlobcgGiddoraImsayaa34Rara (ntrrara)Anime gals used in this hmvFreiren-sousou no freiren\nWeiss-rwby\nJane doe- zenless zone zero\nNicole-zenless zone zeroKyrie-final fantasyOriginal character made by lazyprocrastinator Tig ol virtuesUzaki tsuki-uzaki wants to hang outShuten douji-fate Grand orderRias gremory-highschool dxdMashu Kyrielight-fate Grand orderPyra-xenoblade Chronicles 2Mythra-xenoblade Chronicles 2Iris-final fantasyNa\'el-xenoblade Chronicles 3Serah farron-final fantasy