もっとラムセスの動画を観たいという一部の方のリクエストにお答えして。\nIn response to the request of some who want to see more Ramsess videos.いままでラムセスとかならあの辺の習慣的に陰毛は生やしてないだろうとの憶測でいましたが今回多めです🤣\nI had assumed that Ramsess and others would not have pubic hair, as is customary in that area, but this time there is a lot of it.🤣model modified by me / sdPBR 4.6.0fantia / patreon / twitter / nikoniko / pixiv This video is for viewing only in Iwara, don\'t reprint on any other platform.転載 ダメ ぜったい。禁止轉載。此影片僅供Iwara觀看,不得在任何其他平台上重製。