看到挺多人私信我删白尘内容的,然而我就一剪涩涩的,也不玩游戏,素材也都是站内扒的,基本上除了原神(它出的比较早,里面人物就认识一些),其他哪个是哪个我都分不清,所以这个我确实没什么好办法,先声明一下下,我就是单纯的剪涩涩,看到穿丝袜好看我就剪了,没任何攻击或者引起纷争的想法,希望大家多包涵,开心看涩涩就好。好久不见朋友们,元旦快乐,这次是KK主题。这部肝了巨久,主要是恋活的素材真的难搞,很多跳舞啊 穿模啊 僵硬的问题,所有视频我都得一个一个慢慢看,再筛出来穿丝袜的,近期估计都不会再想看kk了。。。\n这次发完整版的,无beatbar版的明天传720高码率在推特主页的mega:https://x.com/SWZBHMV1080和4K请移步红P:https://www.patreon.com/c/SWZBHMV\n红P后买后请记得下个月取消,因为我也不知道什么时候会再发收费视频。素材来自: sola @user2501342 ,mingja @mingminga ,shibarin @yamada_ryo ,MOMO @moonvam ,BravoG @bigg ,24 @24 ,Fearess fearess ,ricphastly @ricphastly_1 感谢创作者们的优秀作品。======================Long time no see friends, Happy New Year, this time it\'s KK theme. I spent a lot of time on this one, mainly because the material of Koi Katsu is really hard to deal with, there are a lot of dancing, modeling, and stiffness issues, I have to watch all the videos one by one, and then filter out the ones wearing stockings. I guess I won\'t want to watch KK again in the near future. . .\nThis time I\'ll post the full version, and the version without beatbar will be uploaded tomorrow720 high bitrate on the mega of Twitter homepage: https://x.com/SWZBHMVFor 1080 and 4K, please go to the patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/SWZBHMVAfter purchasing, please remember to cancel next month, because I don\'t know when I will release paid videos again.source from: sola @user2501342 ,mingja @mingminga ,shibarin @yamada_ryo ,MOMO @moonvam ,BravoG @bigg ,24 @24 ,Fearess fearess ,ricphastly @ricphastly_1 thank you