
Vindicare - WANNABE

  • 投稿日:2025/1/10
  • 940 再生
  • 71 いいね


Vindicare - WANNABEヴィンディケア - WANNABEThis will be a nostalgic one. In the early days, in 2021 when I discovered what MMD is, the first video of @Avharu that really caught my eye was Swiftsure WANNABE. So I am happy to bring to you the same dance with Vindicare.As you can see, both of our maiden beauties apparently went on a road trip to enjoy some freedom. The camera is almost unchanged. It is also the first time that the important lighting was done with spotlights only, so that the sun could be used as a decorative beautification in the background. I wasn\'t satisfied with the results at the start, but I think while working on it I got used to the looks. A big thanks goes to Poronio, who helped me to find the heat haze effect. I knew it existed because @avharu also used the same stage once. Apart from that probably half the time was spend on animating Kananagi in the background. It was quite tough but a good practice for upcoming projects. Even to do a walking animation is a huge head ache, so xf108\'s upload really saved me.Let\'s seize the opportunity to discuss the past and the future. It is still a weird thing to me, that I really started creating MMDs, but it is a very enjoyable experience. The heartwarming positivity of the community also never fails to amaze me. To a certain degree I might get a little too hooked on it. The release of A was a huge success. Kananagi’s take was very popular and gathered almost as many likes in the first 24 hours as my first video back than in October. Vindicare on the other hand got screwed over by iwara, given that processing the video took 11 hours. However I am still happy with the like ratio. The poll actually had the most pleasant result, with the audience equally split, giving me a lot of freedom. Vindicare will still be the star of the channel, but every 2 or 3 videos I may also stage Kanangi from now on.But what will be the next video? Initially I had AOA - Heart Attack in mind, but @Avharu already did this. It is no use to try to mimic a mere fraction of his power. So next in line will probably be Hibana, but I am not yet sold on it.Also if I get too bold, I could try to reenact Hibikase Sex Show by @enieu. But I am torn, a lot of work would be necessary to bring it on today’s standard of camera work and polishing. And I also admire artists the most who keep the purity of MMD. We will see what road I will go down.\nAlso the rate of releases will slow down from now on with the end of the holiday season.And like always altered versions are included. This time I even provide the basic version given that I had to lower the bitrate to get the file below iwara\'s 300MB mark.\nhttps://mega.nz/folder/aZYwEJDR#m4LatJFNO96c4rSHhdn-rQCreditsAssetNameCreatorAudio:ITZY "WANNABE"ITZYMotion:[MMD Dance] ITZY(있지) - WANNABE (5P ver.)KimagureTstorage:WANNABE (Full)TenmoriCamera:WANNABE (Full)KimagureWalking Animation:遅くて特徴のない歩き動作xf108⭐Model:EL-Pr219 (Vengeance)Quappa-ElModel:EL-Pr242 (KANANAGI)Quappa-ElAccessory:ハーレーダビッドソン FLHTK TC / Harley-Davidson FLHTK TCHR-01SuRAccessory:SHOEI NEOTEC Ⅱ helmetHR-01SuRAccessory:いろいろ水筒セットver1.0 - water bottleキャベツ鉢Stage:【MMD】 Route66 Ver3.1 【ステージ配布】Taro²🏝️Textures:DX RayCast Hair Pack - hbeehbee-mmdTextures:Colour shift Hair Pack - hbeehbee-mmdTextures:【MMD】Texture pack - SandCherryBlossomTextures:Ray Material Pack - Asphalts)CherryBlossomMaterials:ヴィンディケア・ヴェンジェンスmaterial / Materials for Vindicare悪人🪄Effect:Ray-MMDRuiEffect:AutoLuminous4 Diffusion7SoboroEffect:陽炎&逃げ水 / HeatGroundHariganeEffect:OpticalFlares Ray-MMD ExtensionRui📚Tutorial:The Ultimate Ray-MMD Tutorial for Beginners ( 5 Easy to Use MMD Effects)The Weeb Dev MMD Ch.Tutorial:Unlock the POWER of Ray-MMD\'s Time of Day With Godray and Optical Flares【Beginner\'s Tutorial 2024】The Weeb Dev MMD Ch.Thanks for watching!