
【貴音誕生祭】 厳しい拘束人生で育った結果・・・[Takane\'s Birthday Festival]As a result of growing up in a life of strict restraints...

  • 投稿日:2025/1/23
  • 2748 再生
  • 129 いいね


銀髪の王女こと四条貴音。出身地も生い立ちも謎が多い不思議なアイドル・・・四条貴音という名前すらも真偽不明で、本当はヤーネフェルトというフィンランド人とか、はたまた月から来た宇宙人とも言われている・・・そんな貴音の過去の一部を本人が語る、貴重な映像が入手できたので公開しよう。Shijo Takane, the silver-haired princess. She is a mysterious idol whose origin and background are still a mystery.Even her name, Shijo Takane, is still unknown, and it is said that she is actually a Finn named Janefeldt, or perhaps an alien from the moon...I have obtained a rare video of Takane talking about a part of her past, and I would like to share it with you.