If you like my work,you can get the 4k60fps and uncut version(timeline 6:50) by those ways.\n如果你喜欢我的作品,你可以通过以下途径获得4k60fps以及未剪辑的版本(时长6:50)\nPatreon:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=94837187QQ赞助:3247386510男主被蕾米莉亚吓跑了,大概好一阵子不会再来东方了吧(才不是因为还没想好剧情发展呢)。不过因为他有着穿梭宇宙的能力,所以会不断在不同的世界进行旅行,敬请期待吧。\nThe protagonist was scared away by Remilia, and he probably won\'t come to the touhou for a while (not because I haven\'t figured out the next plot development yet). But because he has the ability to travel through the universe, he will continue to travel in different worlds. The next world is. . .Scene:giddora,naru,hongcha,jabobco,nyanify