大群无法被检索,实在想过来闲聊玩耍的,可通过加入中转群看公告自行申请,565535862。\n新年快乐呀,感谢各位一直以来的喜爱与支持,莉音黑丝闷骚毁灭菇终于落地了。群友们都说我上次做的不像,所以本次也就特意重置了角色和表现形式,希望各位喜欢,请多多评论,无论什么样的评论,我都会从中获得属于它独特的意义,也希望各位找到属于自己的快乐。\nEX:上个视频有人问角色,以最后一个图来说,分别是,安吉拉(脑叶公司),Allmind(装甲核心),RPK16(少女前线),冷门吧,确实冷门,至于说为什么画面切那么快,到时候重复一个动作久了你又不乐意了,嘟嘟嘟。\nHappy New Year and thank you for your continued love and support. Friends said that I did not well last time, so this time also deliberately reset the role and expression, I hope you like, please comment, no matter what kind of comment, I will get its unique meaning, but also hope that you find their own happiness.