也是有时间更新了,差分的话,可能做大黑塔小黑塔的吧,希望能有时间做。还有很多要忙的如果你对视频有什么建议和看法都可以评论区留言,以及想看什么角色,都可以说一声,做完大小黑塔后,下个视频角色选择权一部分交给评论区了。下面是我自己写的一点小日常文,希望看官喜欢,纯自己瞎写的,哈哈。光明媚的午后,休伯利安号的甲板上洒满了金色的光芒。琪亚娜伸了个懒腰,手里拿着一包薯片,悠闲地靠在栏杆上。“啊,今天真是个好天气!要是能找个地方睡个午觉就好了……”她自言自语道。就在这时,她的目光扫过甲板,突然发现舰长和幽兰黛尔正并肩走向训练室。幽兰黛尔依旧是一副冷静而优雅的模样,而舰长的脸上则带着一丝笑意。“咦?他们要去干嘛?”琪亚娜的好奇心瞬间被点燃。她悄悄跟了上去,像一只敏捷的猫,躲在不远处的拐角偷看。训练室里,幽兰黛尔轻轻关上门,转身看向舰长。“今天的训练任务已经完成了,你找我有什么事吗?”舰长笑了笑,走到她面前。“没什么特别的,只是觉得你最近太累了,想让你放松一下。”幽兰黛尔微微一愣,随即低下头,耳尖泛起一抹淡淡的红晕。“我……还好,不需要特别照顾。”“可我觉得你需要。”舰长的声音温柔而坚定。他伸出手,轻轻握住她的手腕,将她拉近了一些。“你总是把所有的责任都扛在自己肩上,偶尔也可以依赖我。”幽兰黛尔的心跳陡然加快,但她并未挣脱,只是抬头看向他。她的目光中带着一丝犹豫和期待,却依旧保持着冷静。“舰长,我……”她的话还未说完,舰长已经低头吻上了她的唇。这个吻温柔而深情,带着不容拒绝的坚定。幽兰黛尔的身体微微颤抖,但很快便放松下来,双手轻轻环住他的腰。两人的呼吸交织在一起,空气中弥漫着暧昧的气息。舰长的指尖轻轻滑过她的脸颊,随后顺着她的脖颈一路向下,停留在她的锁骨上。他的动作轻柔而缓慢,仿佛在欣赏一件珍贵的艺术品。幽兰黛尔的呼吸变得急促,胸口微微起伏。她的手指无意识地抓紧了他的衣襟,指尖微微发白。舰长的吻逐渐加深,手掌贴上她的腰际,轻轻摩挲,带来一阵阵酥麻的触感。他的另一只手滑向她的后背,指尖轻轻挑开她的衣扣,露出更多的肌肤。幽兰黛尔的身体微微颤抖,却并未抗拒。她的手指插入他的发间,无意识地收紧,却又不敢用力。舰长的吻逐渐下移,落在她的锁骨、胸口,每一处都留下灼热的痕迹。她的声音终于无法压抑,化作一声声低吟,融入夜色之中。他的动作依旧温柔,却带着不容抗拒的节奏,直到最后,两人的呼吸交织在一起,化作一片炽热的浪潮。就在气氛逐渐升温时,训练室的门突然被推开了一条缝。琪亚娜瞪大了眼睛,捂住嘴巴,差点叫出声来。“哇!他们居然在……!”她的脸瞬间涨得通红,心跳加速,仿佛发现了什么不得了的秘密。她赶紧缩回脑袋,背靠在墙上,脑子里一片混乱。“原来舰长和幽兰黛尔是这种关系吗?难怪他们最近总是走得很近……”她喃喃自语,心里莫名有些酸涩。就在这时,丽塔的声音从她身后传来。“琪亚娜小姐,你在这里做什么呢?”琪亚娜吓了一跳,差点跳起来。“丽、丽塔!你怎么在这里?”丽塔微微一笑,眼中闪过一丝狡黠。“我只是路过,看到你鬼鬼祟祟的样子,有点好奇而已。”琪亚娜的脸更红了,支支吾吾地说:“没、没什么!我只是……随便看看!”丽塔瞥了一眼训练室的门,似乎明白了什么。她轻轻拍了拍琪亚娜的肩膀,语气中带着一丝调侃。“有些事情,还是不要打扰比较好哦。”琪亚娜嘟起嘴,有些不甘心。“哼,我才不会输给她呢!下次我也要找机会和舰长独处!”丽塔轻笑一声,眼中闪过一丝意味深长的光芒。“那就祝你好运了,琪亚娜小姐。”傍晚时分,舰长和幽兰黛尔并肩走出训练室。幽兰黛尔的脸上带着一丝淡淡的红晕,但神情依旧冷静。舰长则是一脸满足,嘴角挂着笑意。“今天的训练……很特别。”幽兰黛尔低声说道。“是啊,希望你能放松一些。”舰长笑着回应。就在这时,琪亚娜突然从一旁跳了出来,双手叉腰,脸上带着调皮的笑容。“哟,你们在聊什么呢?我也要听!”幽兰黛尔微微一愣,随即恢复了平日的冷静。“没什么,只是讨论一下训练计划。”舰长则笑着揉了揉琪亚娜的头发。“你怎么在这里?偷懒了吗?”“才没有呢!”琪亚娜嘟起嘴,但眼中却闪过一丝狡黠。“不过,舰长,下次训练我也要和你一起!你可不能偏心哦!”舰长和幽兰黛尔对视一眼,忍不住笑了起来。“好,下次一定带上你。”丽塔也走了过来,优雅地站在一旁,脸上带着淡淡的微笑。“看来今天的训练很热闹呢,不如我也加入吧?”舰长笑着点头。“当然,大家一起训练才更有意思。”夕阳下,四人的身影被拉得很长。琪亚娜暗自握紧拳头,心中充满了期待。Here’s a lighthearted, culturally adapted translation of your story for a Western audience, focusing on natural dialogue and relatable character dynamics while preserving the humor and charm of the original scene:A Sunny Afternoon on the HyperionThe deck of the Hyperion glowed under the afternoon sun. Kiana leaned lazily against the railing, munching on a bag of chips. "Man, perfect weather for a nap…" she muttered, squinting at the cloudless sky.Her ears perked up as she spotted Captain and Durandal walking briskly toward the training room. Durandal, ever poised, kept her usual calm demeanor, while Captain wore a faint smile that made Kiana’s curiosity flare.What’re those two up to? She tiptoed after them like a cat stalking prey, ducking behind a corner just as the training room door clicked shut.Inside, Durandal crossed her arms. "Training’s done for today. Did you need something else, Captain?"He stepped closer, his tone softening. "Just thought you’ve been pushing yourself too hard lately. You deserve a break."A faint blush crept up her ears. "I’m… fine. No need to worry.""I think there is." His hand brushed hers, pulling her gently toward him. "You carry everyone’s burdens. Let someone carry yours for once."Durandal’s breath hitched. For a heartbeat, her icy composure wavered—until Captain closed the distance between them. His kiss was warm and deliberate, melting her defenses. Her hands slid hesitantly around his waist as the room filled with unspoken tension.Fingers trailed her jawline, down her neck, pausing at her collarbone. Durandal’s grip tightened on his shirt, her usual discipline crumbling under his touch. His other hand found the small of her back, undoing a button with teasing slowness. A shiver ran through her—not from resistance, but anticipation.Just as the mood thickened, the door creaked open a sliver."Whoa! Are they actually…?!" Kiana clapped a hand over her mouth, face burning crimson. She scrambled back, mind racing. So that’s why they’ve been glued together lately? A strange pang twisted her chest—half jealousy, half competitive fire."Enjoying the show, Miss Kiana?" A melodic voice chimed behind her.Kiana nearly jumped out of her boots. "L-Lita?! Since when—?!"The maid smirked, glancing pointedly at the cracked door. "Merely ensuring no one… interrupts important discussions.""Th-They’re not discussing anything!" Kiana sputtered, cheeks matching her hair ribbons. "I was just… uh… checking the wall! Solid infrastructure!"Lita’s laugh was honeyed with mischief. "Of course. Though I’d advise against challenging walls—or certain blonde knights—for now."Kiana huffed. "Hmph! I won’t lose to her! Next time, I’ll get solo training time with Captain!""Best of luck," Lita purred, vanishing as quietly as she’d appeared.By dusk, Captain and Durandal emerged—the latter’s cheeks slightly flushed, the former grinning like he’d won a war."Today’s session was… unconventional," Durandal remarked dryly."Effective, though," Captain countered."BOO!" Kiana leapt from a shadow, hands on hips. "What’s the secret training gossip? Spill!"Durandal arched a brow. "Standard combat drills. Nothing unusual."Captain ruffled Kiana’s hair. "Eavesdropping again, troublemaker?""Call it strategic recon!" She stuck out her tongue. "But next time, I’m your training partner! No favorites!"Lita materialized beside them, her smile serene. "Shall we make it a group event? Teamwork does breed excellence."Captain chuckled as the sunset stretched their shadows across the deck. "Why not? The more, the merrier."Kiana pumped her fist, eyes gleaming. Game on