A little delayed, but back to you with another HMV. I hope you enjoy it. Now my plans are to start learning 3d animation and maybe the next video will be it, I\'ll try to be quicker. Thank you all for your support.Download in original quality - https://mega.nz/file/MKNUgbwL#gKwMl-Vt0zbFqcBXlYNWGALX5Tgn2hCu34jyYqFpfsMSupport me financially - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/kayyyar--Authors:--Music: 2NE1 - I Am The BestAnimations:sodeno19 - https://x.com/sodeno191vicineko - https://x.com/vici_nekoAidenHet - https://x.com/AidenHetAkt - https://x.com/animation_aktPastaPaprika - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/95565765Jellymation - https://x.com/jellymationSTKadaChi - https://x.com/stk4dachi