Download link for higher bitrate:\'ve said this before and I\'ll say it as many times as necessary, the cameras by @mox are amazing, and the fact that he\'s now releasing his cameras on Fanbox ( ), made me sign up as soon as I learned about it.I think I\'m finally very close to a "style" that really pleases me. If I look like a cheap clone of @seikou, that\'s a huge compliment, because he\'s the very reason why I\'m trying to learn sdPBR and he\'s helped me a lot.The insanely good camera by Mox, motion by Nikisa San (one of the best works so far) and the insanely beautiful model by Suyakouta, are a heavenly combination.-- It\'s 2 AM and I need to get some sleep, I\'ll finish the rest of the credits tomorrow, lol --Credits:Vivi by SuyakoutaMotion by Nikisa-san ( )Camera by mox ( )School rooftop by ムムムMusic stage by mctPDX Park of Oath by SEGATriangular Glow by monobuniSoftware: MMD 9.32, sdPBR, ikBokeh, AutoLuminous, sdColorGrading, sdSSR, sdStreakAnamorphic, MotionBlur, WorkingFloor2, SoftLightB,