奏渚 汐藍 - SnappingWelcome to the next episode of Kananagi slowly but surely taking over this channel. ^^Well… Jokes aside. I had a discussion with @Yeshen about the last video and the potential of adding more action in the background. This gave me the inspiration for this little series where our heroines get into some trouble. That’s also the reason why I staged Kananagi this time. She seems a lot more playful and therefore more likely to get herself into trouble.Please don\'t laugh at me for the poor arresting scene. I actually had a lot more in mind, in terms on narration, but it would have taken some more weeks. I hope you don’t mind and can still enjoy dance show. :PThe engine also showed its limitation. In the initial scene it is actually not the bike and our heroines moving, it is the stage. At high speed my MMD was not able keep both girls on their parented bike positions.In terms of production, there is not much to say. The real innovation comes with the sequel.\nStay tuned for the next episode, which will be released tomorrow.Like always, high quality version and altered versions are included:https://mega.nz/folder/aZYwEJDR#m4LatJFNO96c4rSHhdn-rQCreditsAssetNameCreatorAudio:청하 (CHUNG HA) - "Snapping" MV청하Motion:[MMD] CHUNG HA (청하) - Snapping [Motion DL]NatsumiSanCamera:[Camera DL/雨景模拟] Snapping(Full) CHUNG HA狗官-LavemmdHarley Sound:Night Ride Pure Sound of Harley-DavidsonDans Moto⭐Model:EL-Pr219 (Vengeance)Quappa-ElModel:EL-Pr242 (KANANAGI)Quappa-ElModel:EL-Pr215 (Suit Female)Quappa-ElModel:EL-Pr239 (Velja)Quappa-ElAccessory:ハーレーダビッドソン FLHTK TC / Harley-Davidson FLHTK TCHR-01SuRAccessory:日産 B210 サニー - NISSAN B210 SunnyHR-01SuRAccessory:魔鏡号HR-01SuRAccessory:警察車両セット2ティーポット改二Accessory:SHOEI NEOTEC Ⅱ HelmetHR-01SuRAccessory:トビ鍋蓋Accessory:H&K MP5A4 MMDモデル時の番人Accessory:COLT M1911 MMDモデル時の番人Stage:【MMD】 Route66 Ver3.1 【ステージ配布】Taro²🏝️Textures:DX RayCast Hair Pack - hbeehbee-mmdTextures:Colour shift Hair Pack - hbeehbee-mmdMaterials:ヴィンディケア・ヴェンジェンスmaterial / Materials for Vindicare悪人🪄Effect:Ray-MMDRuiEffect:AutoLuminous4 Diffusion7Soboro📚Tutorial:The Ultimate Ray-MMD Tutorial for Beginners ( 5 Easy to Use MMD Effects)The Weeb Dev MMD Ch.Tutorial:Unlock the POWER of Ray-MMD\'s Time of Day With Godray and Optical Flares【Beginner\'s Tutorial 2024】The Weeb Dev MMD Ch.Thanks for watching!