
Najar Girls [HMV] - Hare_MV

  • 投稿日:2025/2/22
  • 1854 再生
  • 78 いいね


Aloha Amigos! Nice to see you again! This time I made this HMV of Najar\'s artwork. It took more time than I thought, since I started on creating it 6 days ago... producing about 30 seconds a day then I got tired of it.I really admire those HMV makers like MrRUSH and SUCH, their HMV works look way much harder than mine,and I just don\'t know how they did it, maybe it\'s the talent that I don\'t have, haha... ╮(╯▽╰)╭However, since the last HMV produced, I didn\'t have any idea what to make next, or maybe stop where it should be... But someone commented to make a Najar HMV, so this work came into existence. I couldn\'t guarantee to work out all the wishes you might make, but more comments sure do encourage me a lot ~ o( ̄▽ ̄)o.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————过完年了耶~,祝大家2025年新年快乐!大家都返工或者开学了嘛?~(∩_∩)年中的时候在家实在是没时间抽空出来做HMV呢,而且也没还有什么效益,单纯是为爱发电...不过其实也有一部分原因是有点好奇做HMV时会有什么感受:总结起来就是觉得做着做着就有点无感了,但是面部充血还是很严重,感觉挺新奇的,而且好像越来越上瘾了~(●ˇ∀ˇ●)接下来大概没什么时间继续做HMV了...吧。这次的做出来的其实也挺晚的,后面就看心情做吧,姑且是收藏了几个用来下载素材的网站,可能还是有机会看到我的作品的吧( •̀ ω •́ ) (虽然做得也不咋地...)还有一个比较让我惊喜的一点是我在 hmvmania 看到了自己的作品。本来打算自己发布的,虽然那个网站人好像挺少的,但是里面的有些HMV都还挺精挑细选的。能看到有人帮我发还是挺高兴的嘿嘿(^_^)还有不知道为什么我的Iwara账号加不了好友了,姑且说明一下,才不是我看到了也不同意的哦~那么接下来的一年就一起努力变得更好吧,2025年甘巴列!(ง •̀_•́)ง———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————SONG: Soulji - Murder ; Artist: Najar