
[K-ON!][R-18] Lost One’s Weeping

  • 投稿日:2015/7/4
  • 31358 再生
  • 250 いいね


As requested by Hworang, here is my Lost One’s Weeping video, all sexied up ^^My original, SFW version (with lyrics!):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtIL63ToQOsThe clothing transformations and self shadowing (during the second part) looked much better in the project than in the finished video... I might redo it sometime, but since this took 8 hours to render it will have to wait ^^//////CREDITS//////Song:Lost One’s Weeping cover by おわん and mafumafu, mixed together. Originals:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20312026http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20359879Model edits by me. Parts used:Bodies by PlutoHeads by KakomikiHair by Montecore and KakomikiMotion, singer:Original by せっけんhttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19605719Motion Edit by [H]estiaSamaMotion, bassist:The Lost Ones Weeping (Bass Cover) by bowe4kahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubpkfAH1fMUCamera by Hikari Wakamiya, modified by mehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbza55HOl-QStage:PL2 Classroom Stage by MMDFakewings18Skydome: Starry Skydomes Pack 2, nr. 3 (sadly I can no longer find the source)Mic by AleloMic and stand by CrazedVampireGirlEffects used:haloClouds_snowcrystalFallGlassparticledryiceAmbientControllerBackLightControllerExcellentSahdowHgSAOSoftLightASoftLightBObjectLuminousCrossLuminousExShadowSSAO3_tk-flowfHgDOFEarthquakeXDOFKiraKiraMotionblur2Shader:NCHLshader