=> 1440p Download <=If you appreciate my content, you can also support me here.Since finishing up the last video, I was sure that adding more sex into my work would be my calling but after scrapping so many ideas and motions I decided to go back to my roots and make something that\'s is simply sexy and erotic.This is an idea I\'ve been toying with since I started making MMD videos basically but I didn\'t have the knowledge or the experience back then to pull it off, I\'m still not sure I do because it ended up looking quite tame due to how hard it is to work with a fully physic based prop like the curtains but I tried my best and while I\'m quite happy with the result I wish I could\'ve done more.While rendering in 2K, I noticed there\'s quite a lot of shadow shimmering caused by the SSAO, it\'s really annoying to troubleshoot as I\'m using 4 layers of SSAO so I\'m not sure I\'ll be able to get rid of it.If anyone is wondering how to achieve the silhouette effect, first you need a model to project the shadow onto that has no geometry on its back side (like a flat plane), rotate it so that the front side is facing your model while the backside is facing the camera, place your character model behind it (facing the front side) and place a HgSpotlight behind the character model. The shadow of the model should be projected onto the front side of the plane and be visible through the back side.EnjoyAudioLoveit? by biz×ZERA feat LOLUETMotionsLoveit? Motion by MocaProjectModelsReimu by myselfMob set by monozofStageNew London v1.1 by gomiAccessories & PropsDrinks set A by みずしろNTR Curtains edited by myself based on アマニタ\'s workWave Mask by myselfEffects & Other ToolsMagiArmIK by MagiTeitokuRay-MMD by @RuiikBokeh by ikenoHgSSAO by 針金HgSpotLight by 針金ScreenTex Light Leaks by nopmanop