
What is the Striptease 2: MLB-Everglow-Bon Chocolat

  • 投稿日:2024/12/10
  • 893 再生
  • 31 いいね


Titans TowerRaven is quietly meditating when a tap is heard o nthe door Outside a voice is heard.Starfire: "Raven? I was wondering if I could come in."*Raven Grumbles to herself as he train of thought is broken But she lets Starfire in .Raven: Well I hope this is going to be important.Starfire: "It is.. I am wondering why Robin kind of walked out on my performance.. He didn\'t look to happy about it.Raven: "Well, It\'s because...."Starfire "Because what?"Raven : Because it felt a little.... weak."Starfire: Weak?"Raven "By Weak, I mean it looked a bit too cute. When you do a striptease you have to do it with a lot of energy . Perhaps we should go down to the club where you danced and watch a dancer I know . She\'s from France, but she has a lot of Energey. Always energetic. and Never a dull Moment. Maybe I should introduce you to her..She could help you learn the ropes about \'The Striptease.\' After all in France you know they go totally nude..Starfire: "They do?"Raven:"Of course they do. some parts of the world, women love to go nude..Starfire \' Then Let\'s go see this person, I have so many questions to ask..\'Raven: "I think it would be a good idea. After all Beast Boy\'s birthday is coming up, and well I could use a little practice as well.\'Starfire: "you strip too?"Raven (with a sheepish grain on her face): "Sometimes I practice , in order to not thinki about Beastboy.. He\'s always pesering me to strip for him."Starfire: "So how about we do a \'girl\'s night out, then?"Raven: Okay you\'re on.."Okay this is part 2 of the "What is the Striptease series And this time, we\'ll throw in a new girl into this group.. (or rather an old one as she\'s gotten up and danced before... you know the drillFeel free to comment and give feedback.Anyway Enjoy.. Next up Part 3, and this time, it\'s Christmas , so......what happens when two other girls also show Starfire the ropes..Stay tuned...