VROOM VROOOOOOMMMMMMM!First off , Credit goes to skates99, for making such a great little vehicle...You can pick it up here: https://www.deviantart.com/skates99/art/Mmd-Volkswagen-Beetle-Dl-beta-924216214Second, Feel Free to comment, and if you like it, well then you must love cars.. (And stripping girls)Third, , with the year winding down, we\'re all getting "Younger" and here\'s a classic car, with a girl who is classic in her own right, Ladybug!Fourth,, Don\'t get the joke? If not, that\'s a 2025 Volkswagen \'Bettle\' and well "Laydbugs" are "Bettles" to begin with.. You get the idea... Perfect Car for her...And Fifth, Considering she has a nice little chasis in the rear, You wonder what\'s under her "Hood"Well then Buckle yourselves in, And hang on, It\'s going to be a naughty Ride! (Or should I say, A \'Naughty\' Drive!See you in the next couple of weeks when I pick up the "What is the Striptease" Series.. Until then.. Just try to obey the laws of the road..Oh, and Friends never let friends dirve drunk...